We all use Google to do our research, it’s quick and comprehensive. You can find anything you need from Google, almost. When researching senior living options such as Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care or Adult Care Homes Google may not be your best option.
If you’re looking for assisted living in Lake Oswego, Oregon three of the four listings (after the paid advertisements) are for national lead generator referral agencies. These agencies take your name and contact information and send it to all the assisted living communities in the area. The marketing people at those communities then call you and invite you to come for tours, to come for lunch, to come for activities or happy hour. They call multiple times and may stress that they only have one apartment left and there are lots of people looking at it–they pressure you to come at a time that you don’t need pressure. You will also receive a list of those same assisted living communities. Many may not be right for your needs: they may be too expensive long term; they may not be able to provide the care you need; they may not have the amenities you want. There may be other options that could be very good that don’t contract with the national lead generating companies so you may not be given a complete list of options.
Local referral agencies like to meet with you. We listen to your needs and what’s important to you; we ask about finances so we can ensure the place into which you move is financially appropriate. We’ll find options that have Medicaid contracts so you don’t have to move if you run out of funds. We tour with you and ask the questions you may not think to ask. We point out things that are important for you to know. We offer ideas on ways to pay for assisted living, memory care and adult care homes such as the Veterans Administration Aid and Attendance program. We know other options such as move managers or realtors who specialize in working with seniors and other resources to help during what can be a stressful time.
Local agencies also have toured the communities to which we refer. We know their strengths and weaknesses; we look at county records to see if there are substantiated complaints from residents such as abuse or medication mismanagement. We network with other local agencies so we’re aware of the good and bad in communities to ensure you get the right fit.
While Google may be a good place to get basic information, finding a senior living community is too important to only get your information from the internet. Contact a local referral agency such as Right Fit Senior Living Solutions who knows the local market and can tour with you. Having a local expert can make what can be very overwhelming much more manageable.