For many seniors, when the house feels too big or the maintenance becomes too much to deal with, it’s time to consider downsizing to Independent Living.
The Client
Mrs. M is an 87 year-old, active widowed woman. She enjoys traveling, playing cards, and socializing. But her home was located far from her family, and it was becoming more and more a chore for to take care of it. The family had a meeting, and decided to look into moving Mrs. M to Beaverton, Oregon to be closer to her family and give her a sense of security and socialization that she was missing in her home.
They called Right Fit on the recommendation of a friend. I met with the family and discussed Mrs. M’s wants and needs, what their budget was, the ideal location, and the timing of the possible move. After I gathered these details, I found three independent living communities to tour one day, and then another two options for another day.
The Tour
We had a great time touring the communities, even staying for lunch at one of them, and dinner at another! Eating a meal at a community provides the ability to taste the food (which is important!) and to look around and really get a good idea of what the other residents are like. You can really feel the “vibe” in the dining room, and since each community has a different feel to it, it’s important to see the residents interacting with each other and with the staff.
The Decision
After visiting the third community, the family had made a clear decision, and put down a deposit to hold the apartment that was available. We ended up canceling the next day’s tours, because the decision was made. It’s an ideal location, the size of the community was just right, and the price was affordable.
Mrs. M moved in a few weeks later and jumped right into social activities with other residents. I’m honored to have helped this family locate the right fit for their mom.